Understanding Disc Degeneration: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | SpineTech
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Between older age and years of wear-and-tear, your protective discs between each vertebrae in your spine start to break down. Since this disc degeneration can start causing pain and discomfort, schedule an evaluation with the highly skilled neurology and pain management team at Spinetech at the first sign of back pain.


You have shock-absorbing discs between each of the vertebrae in your spine. Because these protective discs have such a low blood supply, as compared to other tissues in your body, and because they’re subject to constant wear-and-tear, they can start to break down over time.

Degenerative disc disease can be caused by any of the following conditions:

  • Repeated physical activity

  • Continuous poor posture

  • Trauma, such as a car accident

  • Drying out naturally with age

Plus, if disc degeneration tends to run in your family, your chances of developing it are even higher. Because many of the discs along your spine can start breaking down, the symptoms you experience may vary, depending on the location of the disc degeneration — lumbar (lower back), cervical (neck), or thoracic (upper back).


It can, although degenerative disc disease doesn’t typically cause obvious symptoms right away.

As you get older and as the condition progresses, you may start experiencing:

  • Pain that worsens while sitting, bending, or lifting

  • The discomfort that improves with walking or running

  • Pain that radiates into your chest and ribcage

  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in your extremities

  • Radiating pain down the back of your leg (sciatica)

  • Periods of severe acute back pain

One of the most well-known issues associated with disc degeneration is the foot drop. This side effect leaves you unable to bend your foot upward.

Without proper treatment, degenerative disc disease is likely going to worsen and symptoms can progress. Before living another day with disc degeneration discomfort, find out how the team at Spinetech can help.


Your disc degeneration treatment at Spinetech is tailored to your specific condition and severity of your symptoms.

Treating degenerative disc disease can include:

  • Back bracing

  • Nerve root blocks

  • Physical therapy

  • Corticosteroid injections

In severe cases, surgery might be the best treatment path. Disc degeneration surgery can involve replacing a severely damaged disc with an artificial disc, fusing bones together, or decompression to relieve pressure on the affected nerve. Usually, though, the team of specialists at Spinetech only recommends surgery as a last resort.

Schedule your disc degeneration evaluation at Spinetech today. Book your visit online or over the phone with the location most convenient to you.

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