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When a nerve gets pinched in your spinal column, a condition known as radiculopathy, you can experience lingering pain, tingling, and weakness. Before your radiculopathy symptoms worsen, schedule an evaluation with the top neurology and pain management team at Spinetech. The practice boasts multiple locations in Beaumont, Conroe, Nederland, and Houston, Texas, so you have an office nearby. Book your radiculopathy evaluation using the online scheduling feature or by calling your nearest office directly.


Your spinal cord runs down through a canal that’s surrounded by small bones known as vertebrae. Many of your nerves expand off of your spinal cord and extend through openings in your vertebrae into other areas of your body, like down your legs.


When any of these nerves get pinched by vertebrae or even damaged, you start experiencing pain and other radiculopathy-related symptoms.

You can develop radiculopathy due to:

  • Bone spurs

  • Trauma or injury

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Herniated or bulging discs

  • Abnormal growths or tumors

  • Thickening of spinal ligaments

You can have radiculopathy anywhere in your spine. For example, lower back (lumbar) radiculopathy is known as sciatica, while radiculopathy in your neck is known as cervical radiculopathy. This painful condition can even affect your upper back (thoracic) area.


The symptoms you experience with radiculopathy depend on which nerves are affected.

Radiculopathy can lead to:

  • Loss of reflexes

  • Muscle weakness

  • Pins and needles sensations

  • Numbness or tingling in your arms and legs

  • Sharp, shooting pains that worsen with activities

Occasionally, radiculopathy is associated with compression of the spinal cord, a condition known as myelopathy. If this occurs, you can experience even more severe symptoms, such as difficulty walking or even paralysis. Since the caring neurology and pain management specialists at Spinetech understand just how debilitating radiculopathy can be, they offer a wide variety of treatment solutions.


In most cases, your personalized radiculopathy treatment at Spinetech involves conservative therapies to relieve pain and inflammation, while promoting healing.

Treating radiculopathy can include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

  • Physical therapy and strengthening exercises

  • Nerve root blocks

  • Corticosteroid injections

While most radiculopathy sufferers experience relief after starting their radiculopathy treatment plan at Spinetech, occasionally surgical intervention is the best solution. Radiculopathy surgery typically involves decreasing pressure on the affected nerve by widening the space around it. The skilled practitioners at Spinetech work diligently to ensure your radiculopathy treatment is entirely effective in an effort to restore your quality of life.

Schedule your radiculopathy evaluation at Spinetech today. Request your appointment online or over the phone with your nearest clinic.

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